Saturday, February 16, 2013

Looking Back, Moving Forward

Sometimes looking back is painful.  It is especially true if you've attempted things that were bigger than you and maybe you fell a bit short.  It's often difficult to get up, dust off and get back on that horse.  Fear of failure sets in and taking on the next thing that's bigger than you seems like maybe not the smartest thing to do.  And we need you to keep taking on things that are bigger than you.

Once you get over the "what am I going to do next" moment it's time to look back and see what you learned.  Until you do this you can't move forward.  You might be able to move sideways but you won't move forward.  Take a minute and write down what you learned.  Talk with someone who knows you well and won't pull any punches to help you see through the trees and realize how you've grown.

Second, don't whitewash where you fell short.  Own up to it and face it head on.  Write down what you would do differently next time.  Make it part of your game plan.

After identifying what you've learned and what you'll do differently, move on and don't dwell on the past; get over it.

Take a minute to do this you'll be all the wiser and more prepared to move forward, you'll have a healthy view of the past and be ready to take on the next thing that's bigger than you.

Go, keep doing the remarkable.