Wednesday, February 20, 2013

You Can't Fix Stupid

Might sound harsh but there are some things you just can't fix or simply aren't worth fixing.  It could be work that is never going to be remarkable, an investment that is never going to turn or being in a place that will never be a good fit.  The point is sometimes it's OK to quit.

Most of our lives we're told 'Don't quit, never give up', 'Quitters never win and winners never quit'.  Guess what.  Quitting should always be an option when taking the strategic view.  It's OK to quit but quitting should be part of a strategic decision.

But there's a catch.  Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees.  Sometimes our view gets clouded and we don't see all the available options.  Very seldom are the options simply black and white.  Most of the time there are other options.  Before quitting get the counsel of a trusted mentor, adviser, counselor; someone who will tell you the truth and with whom you can be completely honest.

To start or not to start, to quit or to hang in there, to stay the course or make some adjustments, all of these should be part of a strategic arsenal. 

Who knows, maybe it's time to quit and start doing something remarkable.

For a more in-depth discussion on when to push-through and when to quit check out The Dip by Seth Godin.